Friday, April 04, 2008

L.A. time

So I said goodbye to Beautiful Wife again today, who's on a plane to Los Angeles as I write. It was an exceptionally hard goodbye for me, as it's going to be the longest, and probably most difficult stretch of separation that we've seen, not just for the duration, but the timing, and my own need for something beyond the simple focus on getting through every day. To put it directly, I'm jealous, and it should be me making the incredibly difficult and heroic wage-earning journey. But it's not my turn - BW is great at what she does, and will do well over the next couple of weeks.
I'm comfortably working again on a web project, but one without the immediacy and romance of making television. I know that were the circumstances reversed, it would be just as hard, but BW would do just as well at taking care with Dear Alex as I'm bound to for the next two weeks. It's a complicated thing, making a living making advertising of any kind these days, so we all do what we can. There were many times when we were there together, and remembering that certainly helps.
Heading west does feel different, and it's kind of like heading towards the light - 3 hours earlier almost erases the time it takes to get there and suddenly it's warmer and there are more possibilities and the light and even the air is different. I write about this because I know, I've been there and I love it and I'm going to miss BW - Have fun, Beautiful Wife - you're going to be great. Tonight Dear Alex proudly pointed out California, and even Los Angeles, and told me that "mommy was flying there up in the sky". Indeed.

1 comment:

rechal said...

I love the idea of heading into the light.